Online Learning


We are striving to progressively embrace and develop a highly effective ‘blended learning’ environment. The Ministry of Education describes blended learning as ‘a combination of traditional and e-learning practices‘ and it defines e-learning as ‘learning and teaching that is facilitated by or supported through the appropriate use of information and communication technologies (ICTs)‘. We believe that the use of devices further develop our students’ 21st century competencies of digital literacy, communication and working collaboratively to problem solve and think creatively. We are also committed to create an environment in which digital technology and critical thinking work together to expand and deepen the learning experience.

One of the ways in which Elim Christian College is creating an interactive learning environment is by strongly encouraging a ‘bring your own device’ programme from Years 3 – 13.

Junior Years (1-6)

The use of iPads are integrated into the curriculum in developmentally-appropriate ways. Students in Years 0 – 2 have access to class sets of iPads. Students from Years 3 – 6 support their learning with their own iPad, brought from home.  iPads are used to strengthen and support our delivery of Numeracy and Literacy, bringing in elements of engagement, accessibility, differentiation, live-feedback and seamless school-to-home learning.

To complement the Numeracy and Literacy programmes, an integrative, inquiry-based approach to teaching and learning is used for the remainder of the day in which curriculum areas, e.g. Science, are integrated around a common theme to facilitate students’ understanding. This is enhanced by the unique possibilities provided with the use of digital devices. It involves identifying and working on a real problem/issue around the chosen theme, focusing on the learning that is needed, and actually implementing a solution. Students use problem-solving skills to arrive at that solution; these skills will continue to be valuable not only at school, but useful in life.

Through sharing new knowledge that they have created both digitally and physically, locally and globally, students are making a difference with their learning and adding relevance to their inquiry. In other words, inquiry learning is not only concerned with in-school success, but it is equally concerned with preparation for life-long learning. Making a difference through a social action both online and offline, is an opportunity for students to think about how they can have a positive influence on their world, regardless of age, whether it is for themselves, their community, or their country.

Middle Years (7-10)

Digital technologies are used by teachers and students across all subject areas from Y7-10. Our wide range of e-tools, devices and programs reflect our commitment to a blended learning approach preparing our learners for the future. We want our students to be adaptive with software and familiar with a range of educational applications. The applications we use are therefore multi-platform. Schoology is our learning management system ( LMS) and our learners use either an iPad or a regular laptop. Our teaching and learning environment is called a blended environment where bookwork and online learning occur.

Staff continue to undergo regular professional learning to enrich their understanding of teaching and learning with digital technologies. Subject departments also actively participate in professional forums and online learning communities (locally and internationally). Our homework and learning support platform is Education Perfect.

Senior Years (11-13)

A well-balanced curriculum is offered to students where digital technology is used as a support to enhance teaching and to encourage student achievement. Not only is it important to keep up-to-date in the technological world, but it is also important to ensure that the tools, programmes and devices used prepare students for what lies beyond their final year of secondary schooling.

Digital Parenting

The ever-changing digital landscape is always presenting new challenges for modern day parents. As a school, we understand these challenges and are here to offer support and advice. Check here for articles, tips, tricks and event recordings to support your digital parenting journey.